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Fig, mozzarella and basil oil salad

Fig, mozzarella and basil oil salad

Prep 20 mins

Cook 15 mins

Serves 4 as a starter

Difficulty 3

This is a light antipasto-style dish that works well shared. Serve with some grilled sourdough on the side, or as an entree salad to share. The basil oil makes more than you need, but remainnig will keep refrigerated for another use.

4 rashers streaky bacon

2 buffalo mozarella

4 figs

3 tsp apple cider vinegar, or to taste

1 tbsp toasted pine nuts

Handful of wild rocket leaves, to serve


80ml (1/3 cup) olive oil

A large handful of basil leaves

1. Preheat oven to 200C. For basil oil, blanch basil leaves in boiling water until bright green (20 seconds). Strain, then refresh in iced water. Squeeze excess water from leaves, add to oil and blend with a stick blender in a jug until smooth, then set aside to infuse (10 minutes). Strain oil. Keep oil refrigerated and brought to room temperature to serve.

2. Place bacon onto a baking paper lined oven tray and bake, turning occasionally until crisp (15 minutes). Set aside to cool, then finely chop into crumbs.

3. To serve, tear figs and mozzarella over a platter, then drizzle with cider vinegar, scatter with pine nuts, rocket leaves and bacon crumbs. Spoon basil oil around, season with sea salt flakes and serve.



Recipe by Lisa Featherby and image by Eatable.

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